Jade Imperium - OOC 9

punkey 2008-07-22 18:40:15
Well, here's the current scheme. It's not perfect, I'm still trying to figure out a way to get violence into it without screwing us over(because even I get tired of all this scheming), but as of right now, here's where it stands. It's a very simple con, we disguise everyone who just got removed from the Imperium's Most Wanted list in full body and face disguises, pack up all the gear we're taking back with us in bags or hide it under our disguises, and when we get to the gate, our rebel friends will act as tour guides for a now extremely-upset group of off-world rich tourists from some backwater border world. We all babble on in some unidentifiable language (I figure that everyone involved has enough of a functional use of Farsi to be able to pull this off), pretend to be pissed when Brinai or whoever's our faceman tells us they're going to make us wait, and bluff/bribe our way through. This also gives us a ready-made disguise if they just wave us through, and has the bonus benefit of, if everything goes well, being done and over with in one post from ADS, so we don't have to worry about and can get on to the gateship and spending a day in there, planning the raid on Napai and dealing with whatever problems are in there.
Gatac 2008-07-30 14:22:17

Delta members, go there and join the fun.

Admiral Duck Sauce 2008-07-31 03:22:27
Well, they finally got Max to 1/6 wounds and -3/12 Shock. More to come with the adventures of Dr. Kilgore once I get some lunch time to post with.
Gatac 2008-07-31 07:34:08
That went smooth.

Okay, let's dial and get the fuck away to a safe place.

Gatac 2008-08-02 21:04:08
I'm getting a distinct "Berlin Airport in Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade" vibe here.

Also, Hugh's hobby: making up religious sects.

punkey 2008-08-03 01:13:36
I hate to be the one to point this out, but we can't use our Earth weapons right now. We're supposed to be dead, remember? I think we've collected enough beam rifles to go around by this point, right?
Dieter 2008-08-03 04:26:46
Gatac wrote:

I'm getting a distinct "Berlin Airport in Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade" vibe here.

Also, Hugh's hobby: making up religious sects.


My boy, we're pilgrims in an unholy land. :)
e of pi 2008-08-03 07:51:23
Can Gatac retro-actively change the mention of SCARS to beamers? Would that be allowable?
Admiral Duck Sauce 2008-08-03 15:45:24
So many of you guys have specialties with your Earth weapons that there's a noticeable difference in your effectiveness. Luckily, you have 16 other guns making up for it. Well, 14 now.
Dieter 2008-08-05 19:29:59
If utensils are provided, Max will attempt to pocket one after eating.
Dieter 2008-08-05 19:46:18
admiralducksauce wrote:

'Tis a sandwich, and they are not THAT stupid. :)

Wait, is there like a shiv or keys hidden in sandwich? That may explain the stomach pain. ;)