Cloak & Broadsword - Chapter 2: More plot twists than an epi

Dieter 2004-02-03 17:19:24
Ayumi flips on her sunglasses and pretends to be reading the menu as she watches Vercetti. She scans the man and his guards with the X-ray lenses.

Poor megane have seen a lot of use, she thinks. Damn handy, though.

She also passes her gaze over the environment, looking out for any surprises.
Gatac 2004-02-03 17:26:04
Jess pulls away from the guard's advances, putting on a show of flirting defiance.

"My, you don't waste any time, do you?"
Dieter 2004-02-03 17:33:52
A passive scan of Ayumi's surroundings yields some interesting results:

-The lone goon minding the entrance is wearing a pistol on one side and an SMG of some kind slung down to almost the bottom of his jacket. He's wearing a kevlar with a ceramic chestplate.

-The two men sitting beside Vercetti are carrying holstered pistols. Beneath their covered table is a briefcase with a weapon stored inside. From Ayumi's point of view, it could be anything from a pistol to a cleverly mounted SMG'd Briefcase of Death (TM). Each are wearing kevlar vests, no plates.

-Vercetti is packing a heavy revolver...probably a .357 Magnum if Ayumi knew any better. He's wearing a finely tailored suit meshed with kevlar.

-Everyone has an earpiece with accompanying belt transmitter/receiver.

A 60ft pan (the limit of the X-Ray lenses) finds nothing of note in the general vacinity (30ft) of the cafe but there is a man standing directly across the plaza (50ft away) packing an SMG under his suit coat.

Oh, and Jess is currently being groped by the other goon inside. He's carrying the same compliment of weaponry (SMG and pistol) as his friend. He seems to welcoming her advances,

"Uh. Why don't I show you to that bathroom now? Eh?"

*wink* *wink*

An overture of a horrid display of flagrante delicto goes through Jess' mind.
Gatac 2004-02-03 17:43:07
Jess gropes back, feels the weapon at his side, and lets her smile fade a bit.

"What's that?"
Dieter 2004-02-03 18:23:14

Quote: from Gatac on 11:43 am on Feb. 3, 2004
Jess gropes back, feels the weapon at his side, and lets her smile fade a bit.

"What's that?"

"Oh, that? It's nothing. Just for show, really. It's not the weapon you're interested in, babe."

The goon makes quite the acrobatic move for Jess' brassiere, popping it off with little more than a flick of a finger.

"Now, let's get to things before my boss starts missing me."
Gatac 2004-02-03 18:37:02
Jess pushes the goon away.

"Hold on just a second. That guy out there is your boss? Is he like, a celebrity?"
Dieter 2004-02-03 18:50:00
"Uh, yeah. Something like that. He's quite infamous in the Dade County area of Florida. Now, where were we?"

The goon continues to force himself upon Jess, this time going for her shirt.
Gatac 2004-02-03 18:53:21
Jess grabs his arms again.

"What do you think, can I get a photo with him?"